Fall Fruition

Today is the first day of autumn, the season of the harvest, the fruition of the hard work of spring and summer. It is the time to store our foods and our energy for the winter. It also begins the time when we personally begin to turn our energy inward for the season of rest. The nights will now begin to become longer. We turn our energy into our families, home projects, and our work. It is a good time to complete any unfinished projects.


Take time now to evaluate your health regimen. Make sure you are moving your body every day, through walking, yoga, stretching, dancing, etc. Start your days with some deep breathing or meditation to be more balanced throughout the day. Deep breathing also provides more oxygen and energy for your entire system and eliminates toxins that can accumulate in the small spaces in the lungs. Allow for at least 7 hours of sleep every night.


Do you have any habits that you are holding on to that you would like to clear out of your life? This could be eating habits, smoking, over consumption of alcohol, and even mental/thought patterns. During the changing of the seasons is a good time to let go of these things and simply take great care of yourself. The stronger you are as we enter cold/flu season, the more resilient you will be.


Fall is the time to change our diets from summer cleansing foods to more building foods for winter. This includes adding more meats, eggs, nuts, beans, seeds, and grains. We should cut down on summer fruits and only eat fruits in season now, such as apples. Add fresh garlic to your foods to help with cleansing in the fall. Whole grains help the keep the bowel eliminating properly, which allows for more energy and less toxic build-up in the entire body system. This is a lovely time to begin to eat more soup and root vegetables.


One of the best herbs for fall is Burdock root. This is commonly available in the produce section of health food stores. Burdock root helps with proper digestion and is known as a “blood purifier”. It has both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Slice the root and add to soups or make an herbal decoction.


As the weather turns colder and the light becomes less, take the time to take good care of yourself. Continue to do forgiveness work, keep your thoughts positive, and move your body. Enjoy the beauty around you and love your friends and family. Happy Equinox to all!




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