Life is Awesome!

One thing I find very interesting in my work, is how problems and concerns of my patients come in trends. I will see a whole bunch of people in a small period of time who all need the same advice. I find myself repeating my words over and over and then doing it again with a different message.


Recently, one big theme has been worry. People are worried about their health, their families, their work, their purpose in life, and more. They are not living in the now, they are letting the ego mind have total control, and are not able to keep a high vibration. The first thing that needs to happen in order to get worry under control is awareness that you are worrying. When you begin to feel overwhelmed, your heart rate goes up, you snap at someone, you can’t concentrate, etc., stop right there and ask yourself these two questions. First ask, ‘Is this actually my problem to solve?’. Many times, you will find you are worrying about someone else’s problems and not your own. Then ask, ‘Is there anything I can be doing to help this problem right now, at this moment?’. I bet this answer to this is very often ‘no’, as well. If there is nothing to be done, then focus on what you are doing right now, be fully present. If there is something you could do now, then do it, and get some relief.


Another big theme these past few weeks is has been a lack of gratitude for all the amazing things people have in their lives. When I’m having a crap day, the best thing I can do is list out loud or write down all the things I am thankful for. Try it. It helps so much!


A couple of weekends ago, I attended the annual John Hartford Memorial Bluegrass Festival in Bean Blossom. It is a weekend of music, camping, friends, and fun. This year, they offered a new morning class called HoopYogini, which combines yoga and hula hooping (two of my favorite things). The instructor used some techniques to help us calm our minds and bring up our vibration. My favorite part was when she would have us raise our hoops high over our heads, look up at the beautiful blue sky, and shout out, “Life is Awesome!”. Then, as we brought the hoops down, we said with feeling, “Oh yes, it most certainly is”. This was repeated many times at the beginning and end of the class. It felt great!


Here’s a picture of us doing HoopYogini at the festival. I am basically in the center:



You don’t need a hoop to do this. When you are feeling low or just need a boost, raise your hands up to the sky and shout, “Life is Awesome!”. Then agree with yourself and say something like, “It certainly is”. Because, isn’t it, truly? Even at the worst of times, we still have things to be grateful for. We still have people and things in our lives we love. We have lessons to learn from the bad times that make us who we are and make us stronger for the future, if we let them.


So, stop yourself from worrying about other people’s stuff and things you cannot control. Take some time to be grateful for all the things you do have and every day, remember, Life IS awesome!



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