Office Physical Therapy

Did you know that many are calling sitting the new “silent killer”? In our culture, we are sitting more and more and it is taking a toll on our bodies. The way we sit and sitting without a break are very common sources of pain and injury. We can also have pain and injuries from the way we hold our bodies while standing, walking, and exercising.


In order the avoid some of the ill-effects of sitting in our office, I have enlisted the help of Janet Delong, Physical Therapist of Delong Wellness. Janet has been working with my assistant, Tesa and me to make our work spaces more ergonomic and better our postures while sitting, standing, and walking.

Here is Janet working with Tesa:



At Delong Wellness, Janet works with people who have pain to help restore function, “whatever that means to them”, and assist them in getting back to their everyday activities. Janet says that most people in pain can get rid of some or all of the pain if they make changes. She adds coaching to her work, because “change is hard”. Janet provides her expertise in Physical Therapy for assessment and then provides “support and gentle accountability” for the changes the client wishes to make. She makes it clear that in coaching, she is not giving advice. She asks question and listens deeply to the client who is talking about change. She then helps them “understand what they want based on their values, rather than the schedule”.


A lot of companies are bringing in wellness initiatives to help keep people become healthier with diet and lifestyle. This goes a long way in keeping people healthy, but Delong feels companies need to go one step further. They need to be evaluating how people are actually doing their work. We spend so much time at work, it becomes our home away from home. Janet uses ergonomics to evaluate how the equipment fits the worker. She also looks at posture both in static positions and on the move, because this is where the body can break down with repetitive motions.


It is very important to me personally and as an employer that our bodies are cared for as well as possible. Janet is helping us set up our work spaces. We are adding keyboard trays and a footstool for Tesa. She is watching us work and giving us pointers for how we sit, type, and move at our stations. She is also watching us walk and stand. She has helped me realize that when I stand and walk, my pelvis points somewhat backward. This has been causing me hip pain. I have been working diligently to walk with my pelvis more neutral and she is right, “change is hard”. But, Janet is patient and reassuring and always tells me what I am doing right first and I can sure feel a difference in my hips!

Here is Janet working with me:



What is your work station like? How do you hold your body when sitting, standing, walking? Are you struggling with pain from repetitive movements or sitting too much? Could you benefit from an evaluation from Janet or someone like her in your personal life, work life, or for the employees under your care?


For more information, you can reach Janet Delong at:

Delong Wellness

(812) 955-0770

You can also like her page on Facebook.


Please be sure to share this post with your friends. We can all feel better and be more productive when we take care of our physical forms!




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