Real Food Experiment Week 1

Today marks the first day of a new way of living at my house. We are beginning an experiment to change all of our food into “real food”; food as close to nature-made as possible; food not make in factories and food that does not stop off in factories. See the introduction straight from my own kitchen in this video:


The first thing you need to know is what are we trying to change. The video below is a tour of my fridge and cupboards so you can see all the factory food we currently have. Please know that I am not condoning or condemning any of the foods or companies in this video. I am merely showing you what I have and what I hope to begin making myself. See the tour in this video:



Each week, I will be sharing with you from this process. I will share the steps I am taking daily. I am intending to take one step every day toward a complete real food change-over.

Here are the steps I took this week:

  1. Cleaned my kitchen counters and floor thoroughly.
  2. Contacted a farmer and secured regular local grass-fed beef and pork.
  3. Beginning to eat all the factory-food we currently have.
  4. Brainstormed ideas with my husband and son as to the kinds of things we want to start with.



What can you do to begin the process? I want to hear from you, so please comment below and share the videos widely. Be sure you are signed up for my newsletter (that green box up the page on your right) to receive all the emails about our experiment. If you are hungry for even more about real food, ask to join my Real Food with Jen Owen, N.P. Facebook group. Woo Hoo!! Real Food, here we go!


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4 Responses

  1. It looks like that you are proposing to make a lot of changes to the food that your family currently eats. Are you getting any objections from the family members?

    1. Hi Tom. Good question! My 17 year old son is pretty excited. He is a line cook in a kitchen now, so he is teaching me things and has a lot of great ideas. My husband always supports my constant flow of ideas, so he is up for anything. I am lucky!

  2. Wow, I’m excited about this, too! Your fridge, cabinets, etc. are so much like mine – so much that I could mistake them for mine šŸ™‚ So, I’m looking forward to what you will be doing, and I’ll try to do the same or similar as much as I can.

    1. Hi Theresa. Thanks for the comment. Glad you will be along for the ride! Keep me posted on your progress.

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