Bad Press for Herbal Supplements

There has been some recent media attention regarding DNA testing of herbal supplements sold in 4 chain stores. The supplements they tested, echinacea, garlic, ginseng, and gingko, contained no plant material and were found to contain rice, beans, pine, citrus, asparagus, primrose, wheat, houseplant, and wild carrot not listed on the labels. Some believe that testing was […]

Oh, no! I think I’m getting sick. What can I do?

You awoke with a tickle in your throat, you are feeling run down, everyone around you has been sick, and you don’t want to get to get it. Here are some practical tips for staving off colds and flus at the first symptom:   1) Stay in bed or go back to bed, if at […]

Blissful Beauty Sleep

I asked for suggestions for blog posts and found that many people would like some ideas on how to beat insomnia. Insomnia can mean different things to different people. Some people have trouble falling asleep, some have trouble staying asleep, and some have both. Insomnia can be caused by many factors and anyone who has […]

My Top 5 “Go-to” Supplements

People ask me all the time what supplements they should take. While I do believe you can get all the nutrients you need if you eat a healthy diet, I also know that most of us are not perfect with what we eat. Today, I thought I would share my top 5 choices that most […]

Stay Healthy as Cold and Flu Season Approaches

As we approach the cold and flu season, I thought it a good time to discuss how to prevent illnesses from getting the best of us. I have already heard of a few cases of colds making their way to my area. Build yourself up now to avoid getting ill.   First, the obvious stuff, […]

Do you know your vitamin D level?

As we approach fall and the amount of sunlight decreases, so will our ability to make vitamin D from sunlight. This is a very good time of year to have your healthcare provider check your vitamin D level. I like my patients to have a level of at least 60 going in to winter. If […]

Why I Won’t Stop Prescribing Niacin Just Yet

When I have patients with high LDL (bad cholesterol) and low HDL (good cholesterol), I often have them take niacin. Recently, niacin has been getting some bad press and I wanted to share my thoughts on this. Niacin has been used for cholesterol management for over 50 years. It has been shown to increase HDL […]

Harmonizing Hawthorn

Hawthorn berries are one of my favorite herbal remedies to work with.  Pay attention guys, you won’t want to miss this one!  They have been used as a cardiovascular tonic for centuries and have been helpful in treating irregular heart rhythms, congestive heart failure, elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and even erectile dysfunction.  That’s right, […]