Who Knew Soluble Fiber Does So Much???

The amazing cardiovascular panel I use in my practice from Boston Heart Diagnostics, goes into detail about cholesterol levels and the underlying reasons why they might be elevated. One of the reasons reflected in the testing is about what happens once cholesterol reaches the gut. After the liver processes unused cholesterol from the body, it […]


This is really the key, isn’t it? When we are balanced, we feel good and centered. When we shift too heavily to one thing or another, we are unbalanced and start to feel frazzled and bad. It’s like the old balance scale above. If things are fairly even on both sides, it will stay steady. […]

Beans, Beans, the Magical Fruit

Beans get a pretty bad rep sometimes for the gas and gastrointestinal pain that they can cause. They have complex sugars present, called oligosaccharides, which are very hard for the human body to digest. Instead of being digested in the normal fashion, beans can make it all the way to the large intestine before they […]

Bacteriophage/Probiotic Makes for Happy Guts

I am super excited about the new probiotic I am offering to my patients. It is a specialized formula from Designs for Health called, Probiophage DF. It includes four types of bacteriophages and seven strains of probiotics. Bacteriophages (also just called phages) are friendly viruses that infect only bacteria. They are the most abundant naturally […]

The Power of Epsom Salts Baths

I love the benefits from my regular Epsom salts baths, and I felt I should share. Epsom salts are actually not salts, but are a combination of magnesium and sulfate. They get their name from a saline spring in Epsom in Surrey, England.   Magnesium works on at least 300 different enzymatic processes in the […]

Life is Awesome!

One thing I find very interesting in my work, is how problems and concerns of my patients come in trends. I will see a whole bunch of people in a small period of time who all need the same advice. I find myself repeating my words over and over and then doing it again with […]

That Little Voice Inside Your Head

Every moment of every day, I am working on self-improvement. I truly want to be the best me I can be for myself, my family, my friends, and the people I work with. I work to keep a positive vibration, not attack people or be quick to lash out, and to not cause guilt or […]

Raise Your Vibration

I don’t know about you, but winter can be a low time for vibrationally. I just don’t get as jazzed or excited about things and I get discouraged much more easily. When we feel low, many of us turn to self-sabotaging behaviors like sulking, overeating, fighting with our partners, use drugs or alcohol to feel […]

Bad Press for Herbal Supplements

There has been some recent media attention regarding DNA testing of herbal supplements sold in 4 chain stores. The supplements they tested, echinacea, garlic, ginseng, and gingko, contained no plant material and were found to contain rice, beans, pine, citrus, asparagus, primrose, wheat, houseplant, and wild carrot not listed on the labels. Some believe that testing was […]

Do you really have problems right now?

I have been reading a very powerful book by Eckhart Tolle called, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. It is absolutely changing the way I think. I am realizing that I am rarely truly living in the present. I am going through life worrying about the past or thinking about and planning for […]