How Getting My Blood Pumping is Making a Difference

If you are already an avid runner, aerobics enthusiastic, or faithful to the treadmill or elliptical, you need not read on.  If you are less inclined to cardiovascular exercise, then this is for you.  I have always been very good about the other side of exercise.  I will drag myself up early in the morning […]

Sensational Summer Health Part II (Vitamin D)

During the summer months, a question I often get is whether or not to continue taking vitamin D.  For those of you not taking vitamin D, it is a good idea to have this level checked with your routine blood tests.  Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin at all.  It is a hormone produced […]

Sensational Summer Health Part 1

As we approach the summer solstice this coming weekend, it is a good time to think about summer health. In Chinese medicine, the element of summer is fire.  It is a time of expansion and warmth when we can experience the most love and joy.  The first thing we need to make sure to do […]

Travel Tips

I have done some traveling the past couple of weekends and have been reflecting on ways I could stay a bit healthier when out of town. Usually when packing up, there are so many things to take care of: watering plants, taking pets for boarding, arranging someone to bring in the mail, etc., and I […]

Harmonizing Hawthorn

Hawthorn berries are one of my favorite herbal remedies to work with.  Pay attention guys, you won’t want to miss this one!  They have been used as a cardiovascular tonic for centuries and have been helpful in treating irregular heart rhythms, congestive heart failure, elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and even erectile dysfunction.  That’s right, […]

Your Own Master Detoxifier

At least once a week, I am asked about detoxing.  I, myself, have tried just about everything there is for cleansing the body: complete fasting, juice fasting, supplement regimens, cleanses, etc.  The main thing I have learned from all of this and from working with people who have tried the same is that 99% of […]

5 of My Favorite Herbs to Grow

As I sit here typing, there is a light spring rain.  My little garden seedlings look green and happy for the drink. It was a beautiful weekend and I saw a lot of gardening going on in yards across town.  I thought today I would share with you 5 of my favorite herbs to grow, […]

Should I Take a Probiotic?

This is a very common question I hear in my professional life, as well as in my personal life.  We know that we have bacteria residing in our intestinal tract, both good (beneficial) and bad (pathogenic).  Ideally, the beneficial bacteria should outnumber the pathogenic at a ratio of about 85:15.  It is thought that we […]

Design Good Health

I recently read the book, Start with Why by Simon Sinek.  I am always looking for ways to help me inspire my patients to make positive changes in their lives and this book was an inspiration to me. Simon tells many stories throughout the book, but one really stood out for me. He tells about an […]

Computer Time Makes Muscles Burn

Have you ever been sitting at your computer for several hours and then the muscles in your neck, shoulders, upper back, hips start to burn?  This could obviously be your posture, a bad chair, the wrong keyboard height, etc., but it could also be a magnesium deficiency.  This type of pain used to happen to […]