Stay Healthy as Cold and Flu Season Approaches

As we approach the cold and flu season, I thought it a good time to discuss how to prevent illnesses from getting the best of us. I have already heard of a few cases of colds making their way to my area. Build yourself up now to avoid getting ill.


First, the obvious stuff, be as healthy as you can. Eat healthy, whole-foods with fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors. Stay hydrated by drinking a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily. Continue to exercise daily, if possible. Get adequate rest each night by sleeping 7-8 hours or more. Keep your stress level down, work on forgiveness, and practice meditation. Don’t forget the all important hand-washing to prevent the spread of disease.


Second, add some supplements to your daily regimen. Take a good quality probiotic daily at bedtime. Many probiotics state to take in the morning. I prefer my patients to take probiotics at bedtime when the GI tract is less active so the good bacteria have a greater opportunity to find a place to establish themselves. “Probiotics exert their benefits through several mechanisms; they prevent colonization, cellular adhesion and invasion by pathogenic organisms, they have direct antimicrobial activity and they modulate the host immune response” (Medline). You can also eat probiotic foods, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi. Another supplement to add is vitamin C at about 500-1000mg daily to boost the immune system and for its antioxidant properties.


Last, use herbs to prevent illness. Echinacea got a bad name in the press a few years ago. The studies looked at using Echinacea to cure illness. This is not how it is usually used by Herbalists. Echinacea is best used for disease prevention. It can be taken in a liquid extract, tea, or capsules. Make sure you are buying your herbs from a reputable company who ethically harvests echinacea or grow your own! It is best used by using a method called pulsing. You take it for two weeks, then off for two weeks, then back on for two weeks, etc. I like to alternate Echinacea with Astragalus. Astragalus is also used for cold and flu prevention and is a powerful adaptogen, protecting the body from stress and disease.
Hopefully by being as healthy as you can be every day and adding a few herbs and supplements, you will have a very healthy winter. Please comment below and share with your friends and family!



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4 Responses

    1. Thanks for your question, Michelle. Olive Leaf extract is not something I use regularly for colds and flus, but it has been shown to have anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-oxidant properties.

    1. Yes! Kombucha is naturally fermented, so would have beneficial bacteria. I do find that some people experience GI upset when they drink it regularly.

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