Why I’m Feeling So Happy Today!

Why am I feeling so happy today? Well, I just got to spend three days with some of my very best friends having fun together. Yes, I am happy because I had so much fun, but I am also happier because of my connections to these people. Belonging to a community of people helps us feel connected to something greater than ourselves. Research has actually shown that people who are part of community have less stress, recover more quickly from illnesses, and have less chance of a mental illness.


In 2010, a study looked at over 150 past studies and determined that friendships have as much impact on the cause of the cause of death as smoking, drinking, amount of physical activity, and obesity.  Another study showed that when people have more than 6 people they see regularly, they are more happy. People with many friendships are less likely to experience sadness, loneliness, low self-esteem, and problems with eating and sleeping.


Sometimes our lives get so busy that we stop going to events with our friends or start saying no to social situations. We feel we are too tired or have too much to do. This may not be the best decision for our mental and physical well-being.  Start thinking of time with your friends as an anti-depressant, an anti-oxidant, and a life-extending activity. You never need to feel guilty that your weren’t getting something done or that you wasted your day. What do you have planned coming up with your friends. If you don’t have anything planned, take a moment now and get something fun on your calendar so you can live longer and be happier!


If you enjoyed this article, share it with your friends and let’s get more happiness moving right now!






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