Bacteriophage/Probiotic Makes for Happy Guts

I am super excited about the new probiotic I am offering to my patients. It is a specialized formula from Designs for Health called, Probiophage DF. It includes four types of bacteriophages and seven strains of probiotics. Bacteriophages (also just called phages) are friendly viruses that infect only bacteria. They are the most abundant naturally occurring organisms on earth, being found in soil, food, and drinking water. A single drop of seawater can hold millions of phages and the human body contains billions of them. Phages continuously change and adapt with their host bacteria to destroy them more effectively.


Including phages with probiotics (beneficial bacteria) enhances the growth of the beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Our good bacteria are constantly in battle for food and space. When we inhibit the growth of neutral or potentially harmful bacteria, we create more space and resources for the beneficial organisms.


Probiophage DF has been shown to be specific against Escherichia coli (E. coli), the most prevalent infecting organism in certain conditions. Many studies have linked irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are most often caused by bacteria from the GI tract being spread to the urethra and then traveling from the urinary tract to the bladder. UTIs are the most common infections caused by E. coli. E.coli can also cause vaginal infections when spread from the rectum to the vaginal area. Reducing the amount of E. coli in the GI tract will very likely decrease the incidence of these conditions.


In my pursuit to improve my probiotic offerings to my patients, I have also changed my mind about how probiotics should be taken. I was taught that probiotics should be taken on an empty stomach at bedtime when the GI tract is at it’s slowest pace so that the probiotics can get in there and set up camp. I now feel probiotics should be taken with a meal. The food buffers the phages and bacteria from the stomach acid so that they can make it to the intestines where we need them to live. I don’t think it matters what meal they are taken with. I would pick the one when you are most likely to remember.


With the overuse of antibiotics, processed foods, chemical additives, etc. in the world we live in, we must replenish our beneficial microorganisms. I have several new probiotics I am carrying so that my patients can rotate through them. This is the one I am most excited about, as I feel it will greatly assist all of us as our first line of defense against bacteria that may be causing us harm.


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    1. Yes, Carolyn. I am happy to ship to you. If you order supplements over $100, shipping is free, otherwise it is about $6.

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